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About Us

What is PFLAG Carrollton about?

LOVE! Love is what brings people to PFLAG Carrollton. Love urges and inspires us and rouses our courage. At PFLAG Carrollton, we lead with love and meet people where they are in their journey. We understand that many people don't know where to turn when a child, family member, friend, or other loved one comes out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ+). PFLAG Carrollton provides the support and education needed to better understand and support them!

What We Do

Provide Support – PFLAG Carrollton facilitates monthly in-person, peer support meetings for the LGBTQ+ community, their parents, families, friends, and allies. Occasionally, we host social events to bring the members of our chapter together to socialize and build community. We also coordinate with other local LGBTQ+ affirming groups – such as Carrollton Rainbow and West Georgia Free Mom Hugs – and local businesses to provide social events. In addition, we strive to offer opportunities for our members to participate in community service projects whereby we help those in need, especially homeless LGBTQ+ youth.

Offer Education – Each month, at our support meetings, we learn from each other’s shared stories and experiences, and we provide a different educational topic for discussion. We also provide access to PFLAG National’s resource guides and educational materials free of charge and online. In addition, we are available to speak with small groups or individuals who would like to learn more about what we do and how we support the LGBTQ+ community in our area. We also have access to a speaker’s circuit through the Atlanta PFLAG Chapter with experts who can speak to larger groups and employers who want to learn more about allyship, creating safe spaces, and making their work place more LGBTQ+ friendly.

Advocate – PFLAG Carrollton works to bring awareness to our neighbors and community about the issues affecting our loved ones in the LGBTQ+ community. We help teach others how to advocate and use their voices to support the LGBTQ+ community. And, we advocate for affirming legislation and against harmful policies and laws at the local, state, and federal levels.

Meet Our Board